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'I missed out on something I really wanted to do': Breastfeeding not supported in many Australian hospitals

How hospitals approach the needs of a patient who is also breastfeeding can have a significant impact on both mum and bub, and most Australian hospitals aren't offering accredited support. 
A woman in a pink shirt holds a baby with short spiky hair

analysis:The 'fourth trimester' can be a hard time for mothers. Social media can help — but can also make things worse

Many perinatal specialists believe that new mothers need more support in the fourth trimester — the 12 weeks after birth. They're turning to social media for it.
An asian woman sits on a lounge holding her sleeping baby and laughing at something on her phone

KFC discriminated against breastfeeding manager by telling her to express milk in a toilet tent, tribunal finds

The woman says she wanted to leave the Canberra restaurant so she could pump her breasts with privacy, but she was told she needed to stay on site.
Some shrubs in the foreground near a KFC restaurant, with striking red architecture.

Muslim 'milk mums' are not common. But for Raidah, it’s created a special bond with her nephew

Five years ago, Raidah approached her brother with an unusual idea. She wanted to bond their families through an ancient practice that carries implications under Islamic law. 
Raidah is shown wearing a light blue hijab, with an orange background behind her.

Babies get a 'starter pack' of bacteria from their mum — even if they're born via C-section

Mothers supply essential microbes that seed their baby's microbiome even when children are born via caesarean section, a new study suggests.
Mother and newborn baby in hospital

Premmie twins Ivy and Ella get early mark from hospital after parents taught to use feeding tubes

Kirsten Meadows' premature babies spent 10 weeks in a special care nursery — but instead of spending the usual 13 weeks in the nursery, Ms Meadows' daughters went home three weeks early.
Kristen smiles with her partner and two babies in their arms.

'It takes a village to breastfeed': Online support groups boom during pandemic

The growth of breastfeeding groups on social media is seeing "women helping women" to nurse their babies for longer in the face of limited access to in-person support during the pandemic.
A group of women photographed breastfeeding their children

'The look of disappointment': Why fewer Pacific Island women are nursing their babies

For generations, Pacific Islander women sat cross-legged on the floor and fed their babies on demand. But breastfeeding rates have fallen over the past 20 years, so why are fewer women nursing their babies?
A woman sits on the grass in PNG breastfeeding her baby with a small girl behind her

'Quite a selfless act': Some mothers are choosing to donate breastmilk after a stillbirth

Most mothers are not offered the option to donate their breastmilk after losing a baby, despite research showing it can assist the grieving process.
Breastmilk in bags, in a fridge.

Pregnant women urged to get vaccinated as soon as possible

Pregnant or breastfeeding women are being urged to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
ABC News Current
Duration: 5 minutes 49 seconds

Breastfeeding and confused about COVID vaccine options? Here's what you need to know

Unclear COVID vaccine recommendations have left many breastfeeding women confused. Here's what you need to know.
Mother wearing knitted jumper cradles baby in blanket.

Doctors seeing more iron deficiency in children

Daisy Webber says that, soon after turning 13, her energy levels just plummeted and she could not concentrate at school but a simple blood test soon revealed why she felt so tired.
Headshot of 13 year old netballer Daisy Webber smiling

Yes, it's safe to get the COVID vaccine while breastfeeding. Here's why

Breastfeeding women were excluded from COVID-19 vaccine trials, but real-world evidence is showing that the vaccines are  both safe and effective — and may even pass on protective benefits to your baby.
Mother breastfeeding her son.

Five ways to give your baby's gut bugs the best start

We know the community of bugs that live on and in us are essential to our health -- so how can you help your baby's microbiome flourish?
A family of a woman, man and three children laugh surrounded by trees.

Breastfeeding mum angry at being told by staff to move away from luxury shops

Pacific Fair on the Gold Coast says it has apologised to a young mother who claims a staff member told her not to breastfeed in the "high end" section of the shopping centre.  
A woman breastfeeding her child in a photo

After midwife Mandy gave birth to preterm twins, she was helped by 'wingless angels'

When Mandy Lewis's twins Kora and Sage were born more than 10 weeks premature, the Adelaide midwife knew breastmilk could help them — so she relied on the donations of a group of Australian mums.
A bald man with a beard and a blonde woman holding two premature babies in a blanket

Elite female athletes are starting a conversation about periods

Some of Australia's top athletes are starting a long-overdue conversation about periods and its effects on their performance.
Profile shot of Elissa Kent standing in front of sporting track.

Breast milk bank issues call-out to build reserve for emergencies

Mother's Milk Bank is hoping four mothers in every 100 can donate breast milk to help build a reserve for emergency events like fire, drought, floods, and now a global pandemic.
A worker in PPE points to a storage refrigerator of powdered breast milk.

Every newborn could soon have access to donated breastmilk

Every Australian newborn could soon have access to donated breastmilk after scientists pioneer a way to convert it into powder without losing critical life-saving properties.
A sleeping baby with its mouth open

Suggesting I wean my toddler doesn't ease the load of motherhood

The World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding children until they're two years old or beyond, but as my child has grown bigger I'm finding it makes people uncomfortable.
A woman sits on chair breastfeeding toddler son.

Blood donations saved Jemma's life. The one medicine doctors can't buy

Jemma Burns survived being run over by a truck thanks to the blood donations of others. Now, as the Red Cross Blood Service marks its 90th anniversary, it is planning to expand into other interesting and unusual areas.
Jemma Burns sits in a living rooms smiling at the camera.

Growing number of women seeking explant surgery due to new cancer risk

An emerging number of women who survive breast cancer are developing a new blood cancer from the implants used to make themselves feel whole again. The problem-plagued products are now prompting a new "explant" industry to emerge.
Cancer patient Jane Downs looks at her laptop with a worried look on her face.

This breastfeeding research could lead to a new theory of human evolution

How scientists "read" two-million-year-old teeth and uncovered the hidden breastfeeding patterns of our ancient ancestors.
A sketch of a half ape, half human looking female species with an infant on her back

Breastfeeding will soon be allowed in WA Parliament — but not the bottle

MPs will be able to breastfeed their children on the floor of the WA Parliament under changes put forward by the Government, but moves to allow bottle-feeding are knocked back in what some are labelling as discriminatory.
Bottle feeding

Mum who breastfeeds 7yo son speaks out against online abuse

An Adelaide mum who has become the target of online abuse because of her decision to breastfeed her two sons wants people to rethink their attitudes. What do the experts say?
Adelaide mum Lisa Bridger with her sons Chase and Phoenix.