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The Science of Bushfires

Bushfires happen a lot in Australia, but have you ever wondered why? 
Aerial shot of large bushfire with smoke plume with arrows drawn and "head fire" and "flank fire" labels.
Duration: 7 minutes 34 seconds


Australia’s Referee Shortage

Why are Australian amateur sports struggling to find referees? 
Man in striped referee shirt facing away from camera surrounded by pointing fingers.
Duration: 7 minutes 58 seconds


How Dirty is Your Phone?

Do you take your phone to the toilet? Find out how much bacteria is living on your phone.
Split screen with a mobile phone showing the social media apps folder on one side and a toilet with the seat up on the other.
Duration: 5 minutes


How AI Could Affect Hollywood's Background Actors

Have Hollywood’s strikes paved the way for AI actors?
A movie scene showing a main character but all the background actors have been circled and labelled with 'AI'.
Duration: 5 minutes 17 seconds
